Sunday, July 5, 2009

Mount Washington Trainer 2/52, Upper Ridge 2

Second week of Washington training of 52 weeks. Did Upper Ridge again on the Holiday - the 4th, overall very sore from tough week.

Salem to the top: 25:41
Base to top: 12:18
Overall run: 10 miles, 1:13:16

I also biked to Pittsfield. It was mostly up-hill, 51 miles:

The week 6/28-7/4: R40/B237


  1. nicely done with the training this week; keep it UP!

  2. Loon would have been a good workout for ya ;)...

  3. Yo big bro!

    I'm going to have to tell dad about this blog... That way he knows he'll be hiking Mt. Washington next year to watch you win it.

    A year is a long time, so don't kill yourself. Stay injury free!
